Q. What is the League's typical schedule?
A. Practices can start as early as the last week of March depending on the age of your child, and the weather conditions. Each team will start with 2 practices a week, and slowly transition to 1 practice and 1 game per week. Practice schedules are determined by the league and are scheduled based on field availability. Practices vary from either 5:00 to 7:00 or 7:00 to 9:00 during the work week for most divisions. Practices will also be scheduled on the weekend (Saturday) from 9:00am - 6:00pm.
We will officially kick off the 2025 season at Opening Day Celebration on Saturday, April 26th and continued to play ball through mid-June. If your child chooses to tryout and makes the All Star team, play can last through late July.
Q. How are rainouts handled?
A. CBSL will communicate game and practice cancellations via email and text message, so be sure to sign up to receive both forms of communication. If it is a game or practice day for your player, a coach will also reach out with more details. Visit our Weather Policy page for more details.
Make-up games are scheduled only if/when necessary, typically if the total number of games played is less than 12. Weekday games normally start around 5:15pm, 6:30pm, or 7:30 pm depending on the division. Games on Saturday run from 8:00am - 5:00pm.
Q. Where can I read more about CBSL Safety information?
A. Please review the CBSL Safety page for a better understanding of how CBSL makes every effort to keep your player safe. We also list ways you can help your player both at home and at the diamond.
Q. What fields do we play at?
A. CBSL utilizes Cal-Plex as often as possible, however, due to the size of our league, we often use Caledonia Community Schools elementary and immediate school fields. Visit the CBSL Fields page for more details, addresses, and maps.
Q. How are Instructional Division Teams formed?
A. Instructional Divisions [TeeBall and Coach Pitch divisions] are formed based on the player's common neighborhoods/school boundary and player experience. This is done to try and have players from the same schools/neighborhoods together and to promote balanced, skill-level teams.
Q. How are Competitive Division Teams formed?
A. Competitive Division [Minors, Majors, and Junior divisions] are formed by a draft process based on the players individual results from Evaluation Day.
Q. How is the Draft for Competitive Teams handled?
A. For the full process check out the CBSL Draft Process page.
Q. How many players are on a typical team?
A. We target around 10 - 12 players per team to try to ensure that each team will have enough players for each game and maximize playing and instructional time for every player.
Q. How are All-Stars selected?
A. The All-Stars page has more information about the selection process for both players and coaches.
Q. Where do I find information on the All-Star Player and Manager selection process?
A. You will find some details on our current selection process for Players and Managers on the CBSL All-Star page.