The Caledonia Baseball Softball League (CBSL) will be celebrating our 2024 Season with an Opening Day event on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Cal-Plex Sports Complex (5401 100 St, SE Caledonia, 49316) CBSL welcomes over 700 kids to our league this season, with ages ranging from 4- 14, playing T-ball to all the way up to Girls Majors and Boys Juniors.
Opening day is a perfect opportunity to gather friends, family and community members together to celebrate these athletes and all the hard work they have put in during preseason and practice.
“CBSL is excited to bring people together to share our mission of One Little League, One Cal(edonia). We are thrilled to showcase our outfield fences filled with local businesses who support our League, and a parade of little ones who will be celebrated before we all watch the older youth play America's favorite pastime! From Caledonia youth playing and umpiring, to parents enjoying an alumni owned local restaurant, Opening Day is a wonderful way to celebrate what is sure to be a great season!” - Mallory Walsh, CBSL President.
CBSL Opening day will feature exciting games from many age levels as well as festivities for the community to enjoy! There will be booths from CBSL sponsors, games, apparel sales, photo opportunities and food from Caledonia’s newest restaurant, Butcher Block Social. The Caledonia Youth Sports Association (CYSA) recently partnered with the restaurant to provide an elevated food and dining experience to Cal-Plex. The brand-new outdoor eating area at Cal-Plex will feature new seating, similar to what is found at Wildwood Farms, perfect for community bonding and delicious bites in between games.
“We're thrilled about teaming up with Butcher Block Social to bring fantastic food to Cal-Plex, featuring their BBQ specialties and some ballpark classics. This partnership is all about enhancing food options and convenience for the community while showing our support for Cal youth sports.” - Kyle Clement, President of Caledonia Youth Sports Association (CYSA)
Besides baseball and softball, Cal-Plex also provides fields for soccer, flag football and lacrosse, so this new community collaboration will be a win for many sports in our community. Here is a video shared recently about the excitement surrounding the Butcher Block Social/Cal-Plex Partnership:
CBSL’s Opening Day Festivities schedule:
9:00 AM to 5:00PM: Butcher Block Social Available
9:30 AM, 12:30PM, and 2:30PMGames, Boys AA to Girls Majors games.
12:15PM: National Anthem Singing by Dilynn Bard, a CCS 5th grader.
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM: Sponsor booths, games, apparel sales, photo opportunities & more
11:30 AM: T-Ball and Coach Pitch Parade of Teams
Our League is excited to welcome the Caledonia community to opening day and we look forward to cheering on our athletes at the ball diamond all season long!
CBSL is committed to creating a culture in which coaches, parents, fans, umpires and athletes work together to achieve our mission. We are one Little League, One CAL!